The sailboat was 47 feet long,and just wide enough, for nine people to live and move in close quarters. The food stores were full, the water tanks brimmed. The stereo could only seem to play reggae music. We were in and out of the water so often, passing showers so common, We became used to being neither clean nor dirty, smelling of sunscreen and the salty Caribbean sea. A Texan, an Indian, an Iowan, a Georgian, a Japanese girl, two Floridians, and Australian and my American nomadic self. It was sea camp, three weeks learning to sail and scuba and windsurf. Seven teens, two adults, alongside a dozen other yachts just the same. We had everything we needed in that fleet and on that sea. Food for bellies and shelter for bodies and rest for busy souls. Bold blue firmament above and sparkling blue firmament below.
The captain of my sailboat he loved the ocean. For decades he loved inviting young people to the paths of the sea. Teaching us how to hoist the sails, handing us the steering wheel, guiding us in how to dwell together, two parts Jimmy Buffett, one part Stephen Covey, one part Mister Rogers. And this captain of my boat, happened to be the director of the whole program. There is something quite daring about inviting boatload after boatload of teenagers to sail p precious ships. Young people with their whimsy and curiosity and enduring sense of their own power, brimming with hope, romance, brokenness and challenge. I once asked the captain if anyone had run a yacht aground. He said oh yeah, once a decade ago, really bent up the rudder. Cost a bunch to get it fixed. I asked him if that kid was allowed back for another year. The captain raised his head, looked around toward shore. Sure he said. He is right there…our windsurfing instructor.
The Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This Triune God gives shape to the experience of the disciples and early Church. The experience that God who is the ground of all, and somehow is the same as this Jesus, inviting us into God’s self, and somehow is the same universal potency of deep wisdom and energy called ruach in the Hebrew. It is hard to collapse into ink and paper, and the Trinity is a holy mystery, fascinating and tremendous, something to be known and trusted whether or not we can capture it with words.
The Captain figured out early that I was pretty good at cooking, and not so good at cleaning, and rearranged the chores accordingly. Yet I was not known as the pancake maker, and the captain was never the paperwork filler-outer, even the windsurf instructor was not called ship runner a grounder. We were called by our names, and not our chores or things we have done. We related to one another as friend, leader, bunkmate. A God who is known in plurality can of course be illustrated by a range of words, they do not have to be precise or perfect, they can bend to fit the moment.

Maybe you would rather just step over this Trinity nonsense, sing the words and hope nobody brings it up. Let me offer two reasons why the Trinity matters to the practicing Christian. First it is the hallmark of Christian unity in all our diversity. The rock bottom characteristic of what makes us Christian and not Christian-ish is: Holy Scripture as word of God, Trinitarian Baptism,
Holy Communion. A world of graceful diversity and opinions and practices can dwell within that definition. And diversity is the second reason why trusting in Trinity is not just an abstract argument. The Trinity tells us that God is diverse within God’s self. God is plurality within God’s self. All our bloodshed over theology and practices, who is in and who is out: the testimony of the ages is that this does not matter if we do not act with the love for God and neighbor that has been poured into our hearts.

So here is where I invite you to do something wholly outrageous. Make a trinitarian metaphor, illustrate with word pictures your experience of the mystery of the Trinity. Let it be a quark with its three moving parts that are the same stuff and what everything is made of. Or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, or three ladies dancing. Humans build trust through relationship, people have relationship with ideas and concepts through play. Metaphor is playing with ideas like a child plays with objects, and God invites us into relationship with Godself in three shapes, or matrixes, or names or whatever frame you need. So go for it. Make a trinity metaphor. Spend enough time with intention and study and originality to make your wise and ancient and modern Trinity metaphor. I promise, God can handle it.

Trinity Sunday, May 22, 2016
St. Paul's Episcopal Church Walla Walla, Washington, USA