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That one time, at Golden Road, at FORMA... |
From the story that John is offering us today of those days after the crucifixion and the resurrection this set of people who were steadfast - they were probably laying low. Still they need to go out at different times to get provisions to talk to safe acquaintances. On one of those days, it is Thomas who goes out carefully cautiously with a mission. While he's gone Jesus appears to this group of disciples in this room. I think a lot of us have been in a similar situation to Thomas. That fantastic epic day that all of your family or friends experienced and they're telling stories about the day and they're really excited about it And they forget you were not there. You were sick or you had to work. Maybe you've been the other way around where it's you who had the great conversion experience and you keep forgetting that your one friend Toni, she wasn't there. This huge world turning over shift has happened in your lives and you don't necessarily understand it, and your one friend Thomas who you love isn't sure he even can believe what you are going on and on about.
It was probably an awkward week on top of a scared and confused time. What I love is that they remain in the community even with a difference of experience. It is their commitment to each other in Jesus name which is a way of love and reconciliation that way of life prepares them for the complex mission of the Jesus movement that is ahead of them. Within this story today is a story of finding forgiveness, signs of Easter reconciliation that are rooted in the testimony of the crucified and resurrected Jesus. Jesus who appears to Thomas, this is the holy one who is present with these disciples knows their strengths and their weaknesses is well acquainted with our dreams feels our disappointments, and loves us and forgives us remains with and for us in all of this complexity.
Our readings also have an interreligious complexity we must pay attention to with the love for all we promise Jesus when we say we will follow him with God’s help. I went to sleep last night with news trickling in of another shooting at a place of worship. A hate crime by a person who attacked a synagogue in southern California because he belived that those people - killed Jesus. We must always remember that in the texts of the New Testament references to the Jews are just like if I were to be quite mad at megachurch pastors. The anger and frustration is with people who were co-religionists who experienced things very differently. Yes! I get frustrated and vitriolic at so-called fellow Christians who claim that if you are perfect and sweet and buy their slick pastors helicopters and mansions that God will fill your pockets just a bit more. That is not the Good News of Jesus. And to me they make the work of union and rescue that much harder. References to the 'jews' require digging deep and smart contextualizing, and the command that they are our siblings and neighbors who we are called to love as God loves us.
Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - his priority is releasing the oppressed and welcoming the last the least and the lost with all we have. Jesus teaches that eternal life isn’t a golden gate in the sky but made real right here by letting go of all our whithering securities and exclusions. Eternal life is seeking union with the love of God and all creation. Pray for the people of this nation and the world. But also speak up when you see and hear hate crime sparking language. The way of Jesus is steadfast love for all, even those I disagree with.
Jesus Christ is always leading his disciples toward New life - one that turns everything upside-down and towards union with God and all others. The disciples and the apostles are our elders and they passed on their experience they didn't stay in that room They didn’t ignore the complexity Keep it to themselves or get stuck in nostalgia - because that is the way of death. The way of life of Easter people is one of trust and courage, a way of wonder and paying it forward. I trust that God has a mission prepared for Grace Church and that Easter life will not leave you where it found you. Alleluia, Christ is risen!
We are supposed to be Easter people and we are being led out of our tombs and toward being the Jesus movement of today. The sacred Storyteller of John is telling us a story about the first days of the Jesus movement, about a time of uncertainty that could barely imagine the reality that John's community was living in at least 60 years later. AND that storyteller told this Good News to us so that that this community of disciples could trust and serve and love as Jesus said. God calls us to trust the signs, trust each other, trust the Spirit. Doubts are fine. Questions are good. Lying in our graves, refusing to rise to the mission of lifegiving liberating love is not. Trust, share, welcome, go, and forgive in Jesus name.
April 28, 2019
Grace Episcopal Church
Pemberton, New Jersey
A week later the amazing author and blogger Rachel Held Evans died at a young age. She did so much for so many and in her memory my commitment is to post more sermons and write more blogs for a world that is searching for Easter. Thank you Rachel, we needed you and hear your love for us from the further shore.
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